Stryków (gw), Wola Błędowa Działka na sprzedaż
Właściciel – manager
Licencja: 6815 zostaw wiadomośćWłaściciel – manager
Licencja: 6815 zostaw wiadomośćINDUSTRIAL AND SERVICE AREA - 1.78HA - WOLA BŁĘDOWA GM. STRYKÓW
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer of an industrial and service plot located in Wola Błędowa in the Stryków commune, about 7.5 km from the A1 / A2 motorway junction in Stryków.
The area has been covered by the local spatial development plan with the symbol 2P/U:
The plot has the shape of a rectangle with dimensions: 34m x 487m and an area of 17 864m2. It has direct access to a dirt road.
Utilities: water, electricity on the plot.
On the plot there is an economic building with an area of 35m2 and has a connection to the water supply and power network.
Land property away from Stryków about 6km, 7.5km to the entrance to the A1 and A2 motorways, Łódź - 30km;
Zgierz 26km away; Glowno 7km.
I Recommend!
I invite you to the presentation of the property
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